
December 28, 2008

Daring Bakers - French Yule Log

This month's challenge is brought to us by the adventurous Hilda from Saffron and Blueberry and Marion from Il en Faut Peu Pour Etre Heureux.
They have chosen a French Yule Log by Flore from Florilege Gourmand

The month finally came when I have to say "I couldn't do it." Between school, handbell practice and holiday concerts, traveling to see family, and needing to sleep, I was unable to fit in baking.

Please look at the Daring Bakers blogroll to see how the French Yule Logs turned out for others.

Make sure to visit our hosts Hilda and Marion for great posts about this challenge.

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From this month's challenge post:
SO, what is a French Yule Log you say and how is it different from the Yule Log we made last December if you were a member then?
In France you can buy two kinds of Yule log, either the Genoise and Buttercream type that we made last December, or what is more commonly purchased which is a frozen Yule Log very reminiscent of an ice cream cake, only often it’s not made of ice cream but rather frozen mousse of some sort. In French this is called an entremets which is sometimes loosely translated in English as simply a cream dessert. This also means that this recipe is not holiday-specific, it is also just a scrumptious dessert recipe.
This recipe comes almost entirely, except for one small labeled portion and some of the variations courtesy of our dear Daring Baker Fairy Tartelette, from the website: Florilège Gourmand (address above) which belongs to Flore (who has not disclosed her last name to me in my exchanges with her) and is unreal. Her website is in French and different portions of the recipe have been pulled from the recipes in the entremets section.


Chris said...

I am with ya...I couldn't get it in either. Happy holidays!

Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to make a yule log, but never seem to fit it in with all the other treats!

TeaLady said...
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Treehouse Chef said...

Awesome recipe! photos look great!
